When you discover bed bugs in your home, act quickly. Indeed, eliminate them to avoid a major infestation. These pests reproduce quickly and can thus invade your home rapidly. Therefore, the longer you wait, the more difficult and costly it becomes to eradicate them.
Contact us to ensure effective and compliant extermination work. Moreover, proven methods are used by our experts to eliminate bed bugs. We ensure safe and lasting elimination. However, avoid using over-the-counter insecticides. These products can also be dangerous and increase the resistance of bed bugs.
Are you a tenant and suspect bed bugs?
In this case, immediately inform your landlord. They will contact us quickly to schedule a professional intervention. Act quickly to prevent the spread within the building.
After our visit, we will give you some specific instructions to prepare the premises. Then, carefully follow our recommendations during and after treatments. This maximizes the success rate. Moreover, teamwork between you and Extermination Prév-Ext is essential. Finally, together, let's make bed bugs a bad memory.
Aprehend is a revolutionary fungal biopesticide designed for the elimination and prevention of bed bugs. Strategic barriers are applied in the main areas where bed bugs nest after their introduction. When individuals cross the barrier, they pick up Aprehend spores and die from the fungal disease within 3 to 7 days. This prevents bed bugs from infesting the premises, and the barrier continues to provide protection for up to 3 months.
For several years, this method has demonstrated the usefulness of man's best friend when it comes to accurately detecting the places where bed bugs hide.
For bed bugs, it is even more important to carefully choose your extermination company!
In fact, a large extermination company may have the drawback of having a technician who does a job too quickly and imprecisely, plus they might not even send you the same technician for the follow-up visit.
At Prév-Ext, the work is done with meticulousness and precision to eliminate them once and for all!
The pest management specialists
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