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Pavement ants

Pavement ants: small but invasive

All Pavement ants are small creatures seemingly harmless. Indeed, their presence is often noted by small sand mounds outside, near the house, indicating the location of their anthill. Furthermore, these mounds can quickly enlarge if the infestation progresses. However, although seemingly harmless, these ants constantly seek food and water, which drives them to enter our homes. Moreover, they can damage structures by excavating galleries in foundations or walls. Thus, it is essential to regularly monitor the surroundings of your home and take preventive measures at the first signs of activity. 

Preventing the invasion of pavement ants in your home

To prevent the presence of pavement ants, it is essential to keep the premises clean and in good condition. Furthermore, you should avoid leaving food accessible, as they are particularly attracted to food scraps, including that of our dogs or cats. Additionally, ensure that food containers are well sealed and regularly clean surfaces to eliminate traces that could attract them.

Their favorite hiding places and how to eliminate them

They are often found in homes with an attached garage or in ground-level residences. These areas provide ideal hiding spots under the concrete slab, where they benefit from a temperate environment. Therefore, if you suspect an infestation, it is important to act quickly.

Stop fighting with small brown ants,

and benefit from our expertise to effectively eliminate these pests from your home.